Subject: FW: 19 years of incompetent leaders

South Africa
-19 years of ANC rule unemployment has gone up by 60% !!
- South Africa is now the rape capital of the world
- After 19 years of ANC rule we have achieved the dubious distinction of being 140th on a world list of 144 countries for our education department.
- We are officially the country where the most hijacks take place
- We are also on the top ten list for the most murders
- In 19 years the rand/dollar has gone from R3.41 to R10.00
- During ANC rule the petrol price has gone from R1.73 to R12.83 per liter
- In 19 years our defense force has gone from being the iron fist of Africa to a laughing stock that can't defend Disneyland from an invasion of fluffy toys
- On the list of most corrupt governments they have given us a special place right at the top
- In 19 years we have ten times more people in squatter camps and 1000% more illegal immigrants
- In 19 years our roads, railways, military, police, municipal services, old age homes, hospitals and orphanages have literally fallen apart and are worth nothing anymore
- No other country on the planet has more convicted criminals in their parliament than us!!
- 25% of all South African school girls are HIV+
- Our school girls had 100 000 abortions last year
- We have one of the highest unemployment rates in the worldViva ANC Viva!!
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