Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Last Nail in the Coffin for Securitisation in South Africa."

A full explanation of how we, the people are economically enslaved Raymondt Dicks (author of the attached document), Peter Moyo (producer of SABC3's Special Assignment) and Scott Cundill (founder of NewERA) will be explaining the three cornerstones of "banking: the greatest scam on earth":
  1. Fractional Reserve Lending:  Your entire loan was created out of nothing, thin air, nada. Best you come to terms with this fact. You are required to pay interest on this non-existent fiction, pay this interest up-front and of course you are asked to give up a valuable asset if you don't comply.
  2. Seigniorage: This is a rather sinister payment to the South African government by the Reserve Bank. It is essentially a payment that hands over the exclusive (and very lucrative) right to print money to the Reserve Bank. Our Reserve Bank is a privately owned bank which uses these colourful pieces of paper, which have no intrinsic value whatsoever, as a reserve to create more "loans" out of nothing.
  3. Securitisation: This is the process whereby a bank takes a whole bunch of these "loans" (which were made out of nothing) and sells them to one of their subsidiaries. The bank gets paid up front and then loses all their rights to claim. But claim they do, and this is highly unlawful and totally immoral...
Very few people understand how all these three components work together to create the economic nightmare that we are in today. Come to our dinner presentation and learn more.
The dinner for Sunday June 30th is fully booked, so join us in Johannesburg on either Sunday July 7th (click here to book) or Sunday July 14th (click here to book). If you are unable to make it, please join the mailing list here for future dinners.

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